(562) 254-0541

Fire & Water | Contents Restoration | Contents Specialist

Total Loss Inventories

One of the most difficult tasks for an insured is to inventory what was lost during a fire or water loss. Fire Help Services, Inc. is one of the very few restoration companies that perform total loss inventories for their clients. Such is the case, because they are time consuming and can often become complex in proving the loss.


Total Loss Inventories are performed at no cost to our customers when we are authorized to perform the restoration portion of the loss and the costs have been approved to be covered by the insurance company. Each inventory is digitally documented with different formats such as pictures, audio, and video to ensure proper and accurate description of items. Our completed itemized list includes item description, ages, place of purchase, current pricing, ACV and RCV depreciation. This gives an unbiased more in-depth professional final product to submit to the insurance company. Our total loss technicians are trained, and have the adequate knowledge to document and evaluate the condition of the total loss items. Lastly, our technicians are trained and cleared to work in asbestos contaminated environments should asbestos be present in the environment.



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